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Joy's Way
By W. Brugh Joy

I first read this book in 1991, when I began my spiritual unfoldment in earnest. The description of Brugh’s spiritual quest was so pertinent and relevant for me. I marveled at the exciting information I found in the book. I find now in reading the book that in 1979, he strongly stated an obvious trend of today: “I believe that human beings in general are currently undergoing a revolution of the most astonishing proportions in the area of human awareness.” (Pg 37) His forward view of spirituality was based on his experiences and his meeting with some of the great teachers and spiritual leaders of the day. This book provides snippets of information in many areas such as channeling; meditation; research on vibration/energy; tools such as Tarot, I Ching, and dream interpretation; and spiritual concepts moving into “Unconditional Love [that] connects the body to the soul.” (Pg 144) His information on energy and chakras was one of my first introductions to the information. I tried his energy exercises such as the Spiral Mediation initially as a “do-it-yourself” experiment. It was so much easier and more meaningful when I learned it in Healing Touch IIA. As an introduction to spiritual development and growth, I’ve recommended this book to numerous people. I find this book to be as relevant today as it was when I first read it..

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